This page is part of the Ekkono training in values through football initiative. The objective is to contribute to the interpretation of contemporary problems through the link between Football and Art, offering different possibilities of reading and understanding this sport in the context of today’s society.
We will be uploading and sharing art works linked to football made by artists, with the aim of creating a «collection» of references with which to promote thinking and reflecting on this sporting practice, from different disciplines: illustration, video, sculpture, painting, etc.
ARTIST: DIETER ASMUS (Multidisciplinary artist, 1939 -. Germany)
TITLE: Goalkeeper
Painting. 1970
The painting focuses on one of the culminating circumstances of a soccer match: the goal. The goalkeeper is the one who is destined to prevent rival goals. The goalkeeper's defeat is the team's defeat. Thus, each goalkeeper's fall will have an additional dramatic burden, which Asmus points out with the size and red color of the ball, in relation to the player's posture, size, and gray color.